In the wake of Corona virus Disease ‘’COVID-19’’, self-isolation became the new normal and we received the stay-at-home order world-over, I have not for one minute been able to blot out of my mind, the day-to-day reality of many victims of domestic and sexual abuse, and the possibility of them sharing the same space with their abusers in this period of self-isolation!
Sherifat is a long-time client and a mother of four, whose momentary escape from Rasheed her serially abusive husband was her place of work, where she gleefully went to every morning after chores.
On the 20th of MARCH, 2020, just when citizens had been instructed to ‘’self-isolate’’ and not physically socialize outside of their homes, Sheri put a call through to her elder sister, Laide, who lives in another State. ‘’He is beating me again, sister mi!’’ ‘’I’m bleeding through my nose’’. ‘’My eyes are swollen and I am limping’’ ‘’I am scared’’. Sherifat’s sister was livid with anger. ‘’How dare he!’’ she blurted. ‘’Where are you now?’’ She queried further. ‘’I am hiding in the bedroom but he has threatened to come back for me. He has locked the door to main entrance and is moving around the house with the key. My children are in the living room, I can hear them crying but I am helpless, sister mi… I can’t even help them; the beating was in their presence and …’’ While still speaking, Sherifat’s phone beeped off, because the battery had been low and there was no power supply to their neighbourhood during the entire day! Laide panics and tries frantically but unsuccessfully to reach Rasheed, Sherifat’s husband on the phone…
What will happen to Sheri? What are the options available to her? What is the fate of the children? These are probably some of the questions on your mind, but I will leave the answers to your imagination.
Sadly, Sherifat’s story is the story of many victims of domestic violence, with different variations, patterns and credentials. To imagine the fate of these humans in a period when precautionary measures against the COVID-19 pandemic requires self-isolation and stay-home measures, is beyond troubling. Most of those who were just on their way to walking away from their abusers are suddenly compelled to share the same space with the same beastly humans. This would ordinarily not generate much ado if most of our social systems were designed with safe spaces for victims, or auto-pilot intervention measures that would immediately secure victims from harm’s way.
The reality of victims of Domestic violence in crisis period is huge enough! To then grapple with many possibilities of aggression, frustration and consequent violent behaviour of an abuser in a confined space with their victim is cringe worthy. The COVID-19 pandemic and the strategies adopted globally to curb its spread has further revealed many systemic weaknesses and loopholes, which now nudge us towards rethinking our humanity and figuring out effective measures to safeguard the continued existence of citizens.
For Domestic and sexual violence in particular, some governments have commissioned institutions and designed response actions to distress calls with follow-up measures sometimes. However those interventions are hardly ever comprehensive enough or accessible easily.
For many victims that I have come in contact with in the course of my work and daily life, it is the fear in their eyes! The shaky voices, the hopelessness, the frustration, the confusion, the uncertainty, the dejectedness… they often feel drained! In that moment, they hardly have a clear head; a mix of negative emotions running concurrently through one single human’s body! Needless to say majority of victims of Domestic and sexual violence are women and girl children! The ratio of the boy child would readily follow, as children are altogether vulnerable in general, and especially in crises situations.
How seriously does our system (justice/social) hold these beastly aggressors accountable? How often, if at all, does the society collectively reprimand abusers without apportioning some blame to the victim or rationalizing the aggressor’s behaviour? How quick is the process of safeguarding the well-being of victims and dependents? What are the immediately guaranteed options for the victim: shelter, psychosocial support, legal and other immediate needs?
As a lawyer who is committed to equitable justice and human rights, I have often found myself playing the role of an advocate, counsellor, therapist and financier to many of the victims who come to me, and by often, I mean every single time! Isn’t this descriptive of a system that has refused to make adequate provisions for this dire situation?
In Nigeria where I come from for instance, one can only pinpoint a few States, too few, who have instituted solution-based actions and are committed to combating GBV and D/SV. Without having to think too deeply, Ekiti State and Lagos State will pop up on that list, though it is painfully obvious that the attention received by this crucial subject matter is also because of the interest of the administration that chooses to make it a priority; the consequence is that once such administration leaves office and the successive government is not interested enough, the actions may not be sustained. Lagos State for instance has a Domestic and Sexual Violence Response Team, which activities and responses are quite applaudable every single time. However, a shelter for stranded victims remains a big issue yet to be figured out. There is a glimmer of hope for victims in countries with functional and efficient emergency response numbers, where you can also report anything and everything. On the flip side are countries where emergency response is as hopeless as the power supply, or where one does not even exist at all! Ponder on it.
I remember vividly one of my moments of anger while working in a certain jurisdiction within my country. A woman had called me to report a ‘’life/death’’ situation of domestic abuse. The victim was lucky to have been able to reach out before the abusive husband ‘’seized’’ her phone. I received the distress call but unfortunately, I was outside jurisdiction. Since I had contacts however, it was not supposed to be a problem. I therefore put a call through to the State apparatus statutorily responsible to arrest such situations with victim rescue, aggressor’s arrest and appropriate follow-up actions. To my chagrin however, this government official asked me, quite politely, if I was going to personally help with finance to fuel their vehicle or if they should request the money from the victim! That, I must say was just one of the many absurd situations in emergency response that I have experienced. I shall save the rest for other days.
In all of my concern for persons undergoing domestic violence in this isolation period, I keep remembering my El-Salvadorian experience, during an understudy visit to South America and El-Savador in particular. My visit to the centre for women ‘’Ciudad Mujher’’ stood out and warmed my heart. It was interesting how the institution was set up and equipped to attend to all-round needs of victims of all forms of violence, especially in emergency situations. The facility readily felt like a safe place for physical, legal, psychological, material and emotional support. The people I met felt a sense of solace, they shared, gained… they felt seen, helped and they found solidarity in community! Is it also perfect? Maybe not. But does it seriously attempt to bring immediate succour and solutions to victims? Definitely.
With this musing, what I hope to achieve is that during this pandemic, governments and citizens world over can begin to consider with a bit more seriousness, the plights of victims of domestic violence and abuse in impossible situations, such as when self-isolation compels victims and potential victims of domestic violence to share solitary spaces with their aggressors or potential abusers. We must collectively rise up to the occasion of saving lives that could be lost not to the pandemic but to violence and abuse during the pandemic.